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AI Driven Mcommerce Trends to Spot in 2018 & Ahead

While marketing and advertising businesses are still watchful of AI trends, eCommerce entities are already reaping its benefits. Forget Automotive and Healthcare. They are way ahead in terms of deploying AI tools and applications.

AI-Driven Trends & Multi-Channel Automation in mCommerce

The trend signifies the diverse side of AI. The technology is meant for most industries today. Healthcare was rightly among the first beneficiaries because it always needed accuracy in terms of diagnostics and medical analysis.

Similarly, retail online commerce industry is transforming now. It is huge and expected to go over $4.88 trillion by end of 2021.

mCommerce data trends

Data collection, customer record keeping, data analysis and frontend optimization was long awaited for a simpler solution. AI has made it easier for eCommerce or mobile commerce retailers. 

mCommerce retailers are growing, due to mobile sales skyrocketing in the past few years. While the web traffic for the entire world has been static, the mobile has been accelerating. Today, everyone is wathcing out for the hottest mCommerce trends, in order to be the first winner on the new market's landscape.

Be it 24x7 chatbot support, personal shopping assistance or content personalization, AI is of big help. In fact, AI trends are all over online commerce today. Furthermore, with the increasing availability of multi-channel automation tools, more and more sellers worldwide will have an access to AI-driven actionable data.

Marketing side, however, is still waiting for AI additions. Getting traffic and inducing online sales still require business owners’ attention. Given the year on sales and marketing reports, it looks like these portfolios would continue to pose a challenge for businesses, until they long.

I’m sure by now, you must have understood why I started off saying marketing and advertising businesses are carefully analyzing AI to fully include the technology into their operations.

Take a look at some of the AI trends that we are seeing in online retail space today. The reason I say online commerce and not specifying eCommerce or mobile commerce is because more users are accessing internet on mobiles which are well equipped to facilitate online shopping.

Top 5 AI-Driven mCommerce Trends to Watch [INFOGRAPHIC]:

AI M-COMM Trends (1)


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Roberto Garvin

Roberto Garvin

I am Roberto Garvin, co-founder of Mofluid. It is absolutely amazing to see how technology continues to evolve, from email to browsers, search engines and mobile. I am fortunate to witness it all and I'm really excited to see what’s next!

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